Tuesday, January 13, 2015

life was planned...lets enjoy the ride

Nothing disgust me more than an egg, but i enjoy eating it, it is that stinking substance which i keep wondering in my mind what the hell is this, but i narrow my response to say its a bloody egg and that its protein and all and  another cycle of good food that God gave us, at first we had our own eggs nowwe are buying them.What the hell have we done to our own selves, God never created money, but the exchange of anything for money is the world's killer, why cant you give me eggs ill give spinach, like we use to do. Money has complicated eveything i mean every single thing. Anyway i can never express the joy i have when i eat fruits and i realise the love that God gave to us. maybe im programmed to think that fruits are nice but the idea that they just grow from trees without so many efforts, facinates me, it makes me realise that God prepared me meals that will forever lasts me. He also gave me instructions on how to maintain and preserve my food for the change of seasons. Even the change of seasons is for specific reasons so that He gives all the time to harvest and plaw. while others are in Winters others are in Summer. and The Sun is all rounder. why are we confusing ourselves on this really, the only thing that will make us survive is to stop trying to vandalise what God has given us..i know some of yall will be thinking Shes mad this is 21 Century, so what? of cause we will always improve the lives and using the same resources God our giver has given us, interestingly enough our children will think Gucci is from China , well maybe it is but God given us the trees to make cotten and sheeps. im just reminding you. i see in london most of the time when i watch TV they eat snails, and china eat dogs and its true now when they say its a dogs eat dog. however it was never meant to be that way. the level of greed has exceeded to another level....

people, i wouldnt say have become wiser, but rather more inquisitive, they want to know even the things that they were never meant to be known. since life is a cycle, i guess what is happening now is the same thing that happened then, at the time of Adam, God said no to that particular fruit but they ate it anyway. hebivours, canivours and all of the sudden everyone in some way is an omnivour. Where are we going.?

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