This is a rather popular drug in South Africa among the middle class people, i say middle class because it cost at a rate of R300 per skali angaz anyway to be in a position of smoking this Ntashi thing you need to be loaded, have some money otherwise who will fund that herbit. The price of this ntash depends on the area you live in. We cry evryday sayin South Africa has poverty and hunger, but people spend a lots of money to nursing such habbits and screwing themselves up in the process.
Im not necessarirly judging those that Ntash but hey, drugs are not good for black people, so ive heard. Funny thing is the ones that are hiding that they are on this ntash, lol they are very easy to distinguise from normal people or rather sober people while they think nobody sees that they are on this thing. i have observed the manner which they carry themselves. At the point where it is still manageable, these people are on fire, positive with life and enthusiustic, on top of the world and out to conquer the world until the world conquers them and the reality start hitting home.
I have discovered that it is mostly the above average people, they smoke these things, but i cannot conclude that this is only done by people of what kind, rich, poor background, bored, stressed or.. but what i do know is that in a long run, ill say this in laymens term it does fuck u up. while it does that it leaves you with nothing, you could be living in the mansion but once ntash deals with you we will find you chatting to rats in diepsloot.
I have heard stories of people living in townships that have sold this ntash or even indulged on it, they made it in life and were top dogs of life untiil the drug became a drug, they loose everthing down to the dog. The way it is said that this thing is addictive, i shiver when i discover that someone i know of is on it or if i suspect that someone i know is on it. Especially someone in my age group, coz i know they have a chance to prosper in life generally.
The people that survive this drug are those who sell it, but once you sell and smoke than you heading for a downfall.
im not really worried about your health or death while you on this drug, im only worried about what will happen to you should this drug take over your finances, and your life, what is going to happen to you? most have committed suicide but is it necessary? I suggest that you stop while u still can... find other habbits and dont abuse them..finish..because what im gona say now i heard from a Nigeria. ..." Drugs were not meant for black people"....i dont know what he meant but maybe he had a point...
Bad thing is drugs has won war on drugs around the world intelligence can find Mao's body in cambodia not cartels and dealers, why its good for the Economy :-(
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