Tuesday, January 27, 2015

what u do today...will impact on u tomorrow

My aim is to pass the massage but clearly with this international excess my options are becoming very little now that I dropped out of foreign language classes in school. The truth of the matter is I didn’t necessarily drop out, I was rather chased out of that class, simply because I believe I was mischievous probably to the extent that annoyed the nun who taught most of those lessons if not all. Had I behaved in a manner that was expected may just maybe I would have by now know how to speak German, Franche,Italy etc. I’m not sure though about those that were not chased out if they managed to at least combine sentences to save their own live.

Now I can’t help but to wonder what opportunities out there was I going to explore had I made it in that class. Im not bitter about it but I think it’s one of the things that recently has haunted me “ghost from the past. The decisions that took our ability to make, and most made, im sure there is a point in your life where you realise maybe would have made impact rather huge impact in what you do today. Recently when I was on google looking for a dream meaning for a dream I had, I ended up in a  Jobs page, so translators needed, Embassy 1 2 3, South African and able to translate for A to B language. Than it came to me, translation has always been in my list of Jobs that I could do if all fails, at some point I was convinced it was the job I was meant to do … only at a time I was narrow minded because I have a weakness in my mother tongue language, so I thought If I were to translate than it would have been from isiZulu to English visa via plus many other South African Language that I would have perfected over time.

However my being a mischief in that class has now after so many year deprived me of yet the other possibility of exploring new height, lightly so because I do have a hand to mouth job and other jobs, but I still believe my bank account would be fatter now had I had those requirement. How many times in life do we take for granted smaller things “we Think” that would in future make humongous impact in our lives? Yes this is not guaranteed that I would for sure have happened but what if It was going to happen?

any way not that I’m not going to be translating French to English to IsiZulu, might as well move on, no need to cry over a spilled milk.

The decisions you make now, do have an impact in future…..so the story goes one# HAChi


Apparently this is a particular drug that is semi cocain... hold it right there...

This is a rather popular drug in South Africa among the middle class people, i say middle class because it cost at a rate of R300 per skali angaz anyway to be in a position of smoking this Ntashi thing you need to be loaded, have some money otherwise who will fund that herbit. The price of this ntash depends on the area you live in. We cry evryday sayin South Africa has poverty and hunger, but people spend a lots of money to nursing such habbits and screwing themselves up in the process.

Im not necessarirly judging those that Ntash but hey, drugs are not good for black people, so ive heard. Funny thing is the ones that are hiding that they are on this ntash, lol they are very easy to distinguise from normal people or rather sober people while they think nobody sees that they are on this thing. i have observed the manner which they carry themselves. At the point where it is still manageable, these people are on fire, positive with life and enthusiustic, on top of the world and out to conquer the world until the world conquers them and the reality start hitting home.

I have discovered that it is mostly the above average people, they smoke these things, but i cannot conclude that this is only done by people of what kind, rich, poor background, bored, stressed or.. but what i do know is that in a long run, ill say this in laymens term  it does fuck u up. while it does that it leaves you with nothing, you could be living in the mansion but once ntash deals with you we will find you chatting to rats in diepsloot.

I have heard stories of people living in townships that have sold this ntash or even indulged on it, they made it in life and were top dogs of life untiil the drug became a drug, they loose everthing down to the dog. The way it is said that this thing is addictive, i shiver when i discover that someone i know of is on it or if i suspect that someone i know is on it. Especially someone in my age group, coz i know they have a chance to prosper in life generally.

The people that survive this drug are those who sell it, but once you sell and smoke than you  heading for a downfall.

im not really worried about your health or death while you on this drug, im only worried about what will happen to you should this drug take over your finances, and your life, what is going to happen to you? most have committed suicide but is it necessary? I suggest that you stop while u still can... find other habbits and dont abuse them..finish..because what im gona say now i heard from a Nigeria. ..." Drugs were not meant for black people"....i dont know what he meant but maybe he had a point...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sale! its an illusion

The way i see it, how do we know Sale is realy a Sale ? how do we know that the price the iterm is sold with is not the original price? the said original price is a rip off?
For those who buy it at the First "original Price" well they loose money...sad, psychology is complex, however... buy things on sale because that what it costs from the start, especially clothes its not like they would expire if not sold...what the point of spending $40 when its still gona go down to $7,7.... i have a personal problem with this word Sale...and again i think there should be a Sale of Sale...

The world is big enough


The only truth we will never know, is how we ended up where we ended up. For instance, i was born in KZN hammarsdale Mpumalanga T/s. Sometime i sit and think OMG , i could have been born i Norway, Ohio or China even but i wasnt i was born in Mpumalanga. The more i think about it the more i get more questions in my mind, i have been to Asian countries and i wanna see the whole world, i have limitations though because i have to work to survive, he who dont work dont eat. so while im buzy working for food, time is passing me by. theres is a world out there waiting for me. The question is, how do i get to it, in nowadays we need moni to get aheard, and lots of it to c the world. but money i can get, it bounderies that worry me more, why cant i stay in Russia this month work there for a month or two than i move to Albenia stay there work so i can eat than move to Turkey and so forth and go to America and back to up Africa, just have my life in the bag, when i feel like up and leave i do that. now im expected to live and die in South Africa or atleast whereever else why cant i die on my way to my next stop. the world of course will be ungovernable if the norms we created our selves do not chain us. Who the hell said i must sit work for years in a dump instead of me moving, probably there are people who love to just sit, i dont. howver the conditions of life force me to just sit work , buy a house, have babies and have a family. but at this point i gat a job, and there are no garantees if i would have babies, family or any other thing. i dont just want to varnish to the face of the earth, i want people to know where i am,  i want to know how to speak Hong Kong, Swiddish and all the franch and portugees. i hate how the world is "planned" maybe though it is for the good cause, to manage population movement and to deprive others resources coz that what is happening. the best thing about it is that God gave us the world to live in it, and provided us with everything we need while we are still alive.

i think anyone must live anywhere they want to and any how. why must we be restricted.


life was planned...lets enjoy the ride

Nothing disgust me more than an egg, but i enjoy eating it, it is that stinking substance which i keep wondering in my mind what the hell is this, but i narrow my response to say its a bloody egg and that its protein and all and  another cycle of good food that God gave us, at first we had our own eggs nowwe are buying them.What the hell have we done to our own selves, God never created money, but the exchange of anything for money is the world's killer, why cant you give me eggs ill give spinach, like we use to do. Money has complicated eveything i mean every single thing. Anyway i can never express the joy i have when i eat fruits and i realise the love that God gave to us. maybe im programmed to think that fruits are nice but the idea that they just grow from trees without so many efforts, facinates me, it makes me realise that God prepared me meals that will forever lasts me. He also gave me instructions on how to maintain and preserve my food for the change of seasons. Even the change of seasons is for specific reasons so that He gives all the time to harvest and plaw. while others are in Winters others are in Summer. and The Sun is all rounder. why are we confusing ourselves on this really, the only thing that will make us survive is to stop trying to vandalise what God has given us..i know some of yall will be thinking Shes mad this is 21 Century, so what? of cause we will always improve the lives and using the same resources God our giver has given us, interestingly enough our children will think Gucci is from China , well maybe it is but God given us the trees to make cotten and sheeps. im just reminding you. i see in london most of the time when i watch TV they eat snails, and china eat dogs and its true now when they say its a dogs eat dog. however it was never meant to be that way. the level of greed has exceeded to another level....

people, i wouldnt say have become wiser, but rather more inquisitive, they want to know even the things that they were never meant to be known. since life is a cycle, i guess what is happening now is the same thing that happened then, at the time of Adam, God said no to that particular fruit but they ate it anyway. hebivours, canivours and all of the sudden everyone in some way is an omnivour. Where are we going.?

what u do today...will impact on u tomorrow

My aim is to pass the massage but clearly with this international excess my options are becoming very little now that I dropped out of f...